Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mr. Roger Chillingworth

Mr. Chillingworth was a great physician and who was settled in town for about three years. He was friends with a young mistier who had bad health and died at a young age. Mr. Roger Chillingworth was no a bad looking man. Mr. Roger Chillingworth helped save the men from taking my baby. He was like my under cover lawyer. He was telling me what to say like he was not even going against me. The next couple of days Mr.Bellingham, Mr.Wilson, Mr. RogerChillingworth, and Dimmesdale sat upon me and asks me all kinds of questions but with the help of Mr. Roger Chillingworth I was prepared and unbeatable in the court room, yawl should have seen the looks on their faces when I answered the questions the way I did. Walking out of the court house with a smile one my face and leaving the judges speechless. Holding Pearl as she laughs as if she heard the whole thing and understood it. Thanking Mr. Roger Chillingworth for all that he did because if he did not my little Pearl would not be here with me right some strangers would have her. I really do not know if I could see or even hear that some body else taking care of my baby. That was one of the nicest things anyone has done for me in a long time. Thank you Mr. Roger Chillingworth.

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