Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Memories of Ma and Pa

Standing on that old scaffold, I’m tired, hungry and legs weakling as I hold Pearl close to my bosom as see starts to cry. I look out and imagine my old native village in old England. The house made of gray stone standing tall and strong. Seeing my father with his bald brow and long white beard. My mother oh was she a beautiful women with a loving look in her eyes, which she was remember for having even on her bad days. When she would look at me as a child she said she always saw herself in me. Glowing with girlish beauty with the eyes of heaven. Laying on her death bed as me and pa say our last goodbye and our first hello. Saying goodbye was hard for a little girl like me. Having to start this world without ma was going to be hard to but she had told me all she needed before she left. As my imagination starts to fade, coming back to the rude people of the Puritan settlement. Looking down at the people stare and point I see....Shaking my head... nooo could it be..? I cannot say anything if I dare say something we both be in jail forever. Thinking to myself with a very blank look not knowing what to even say of think. Why must this be me and one of this our women of the village. I don’t know what to say or even look like.

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