Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mestry Man

Why I am still married to this man? Seeing him in the crowd he looks and point at me then puts his finger over his month. He wants to keep it a secret and I promise him I shall not speak of it but I always think of it. Everyone wants to know who the father of Pearl could be but he is a dead man to everyone but me.  Having everyone think that Pearls father is dead when he is not what I want to tell her that her father is dead but I do not want the village to tell her that he is dead when he is as lively as a roster in the morning.  Then he was acting like he has never seen me or even known me. The man that I am supposed to be married that claims he is dead and then wants to hind from the world. Why must he keep this a secret to the world? Not trying to think about the pain or hurt I feel in my heart. We my little Pearl are fatherless in the world? Or even worse we they not take me responsible for taking care of my little by myself.  I do not know what I would do without my Pearl. I would have to kill over my daughter if someone were to hurt her in any way.

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