Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dont Take Her!

The governor is trying to take my Pearl away! They say she does not have a father and the village can raise her. Well in this case it is still not going to make a difference because if she is raised by the villages then she want know who her mother is. They have know right to take my baby! I shall not give them my baby, I am her mother and she is my daughter. They bask the question of who her father is. I out my head down and not say a word. They keep asking over and over again. I say I am not telling you her Pearls father is. Does it even matter who her father is at this point? All that matters is that I am taking care of her with out a father in her life and that is that. I storm out of the court holding pearl close to my bosom and look at her and say your mommies little angel and they are not going to take the only thing I treasure away from me. You are a child of God's eye and you are the daughter of my eye. The next day the village sounds like a lot of bees coming to take over but it is just the people gossiping of me not saying who her father is. I start to laugh and walk away, why does the village care so much about whom Pearls father is?


  1. Hester->Why is this even a law? Taking someone child because they dont know who the father is.

  2. Mr. Roger Chillingworth-> I agree with you Hester.
