Sunday, March 13, 2011

What's on my skin?

Aahhh what is on my skin? Waking up in the morning down on my skin I see these things on my arm. Checking to see if Pearl has any on her, no she does not. Calling for a doctor to come see if they can explain what this is on my arm and how to get them off. The doctor comes to the house looking at my arms and says that these little things are leech’s. Leech’s suck on your and drink your blood until you die. Luckily the doctor came just in time before it was too late. The doctor says that they use these leech things to drain blood from their patients, which used to be regarded as a curative process. The town was concerned about Mr. Dimmesdale health because he had been suffering from severe health problems. He was wasting and he frequently clutches at his chest as though his heart pains him. He did this because refuses to marry any of the young women who have devoted themselves to him. He asks the doctor to say his live because he wants to live. Mr. Chillingworth may just have something to cure this man and save his life.
Rumors are going around the town saying that Mr. Roger Chillingworth is the devil. They are saying that this is inferring with Mr. Dimmesdale health. Could this be true, the doctor of the town is the devil?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mr. Roger Chillingworth

Mr. Chillingworth was a great physician and who was settled in town for about three years. He was friends with a young mistier who had bad health and died at a young age. Mr. Roger Chillingworth was no a bad looking man. Mr. Roger Chillingworth helped save the men from taking my baby. He was like my under cover lawyer. He was telling me what to say like he was not even going against me. The next couple of days Mr.Bellingham, Mr.Wilson, Mr. RogerChillingworth, and Dimmesdale sat upon me and asks me all kinds of questions but with the help of Mr. Roger Chillingworth I was prepared and unbeatable in the court room, yawl should have seen the looks on their faces when I answered the questions the way I did. Walking out of the court house with a smile one my face and leaving the judges speechless. Holding Pearl as she laughs as if she heard the whole thing and understood it. Thanking Mr. Roger Chillingworth for all that he did because if he did not my little Pearl would not be here with me right some strangers would have her. I really do not know if I could see or even hear that some body else taking care of my baby. That was one of the nicest things anyone has done for me in a long time. Thank you Mr. Roger Chillingworth.

Dont Take Her!

The governor is trying to take my Pearl away! They say she does not have a father and the village can raise her. Well in this case it is still not going to make a difference because if she is raised by the villages then she want know who her mother is. They have know right to take my baby! I shall not give them my baby, I am her mother and she is my daughter. They bask the question of who her father is. I out my head down and not say a word. They keep asking over and over again. I say I am not telling you her Pearls father is. Does it even matter who her father is at this point? All that matters is that I am taking care of her with out a father in her life and that is that. I storm out of the court holding pearl close to my bosom and look at her and say your mommies little angel and they are not going to take the only thing I treasure away from me. You are a child of God's eye and you are the daughter of my eye. The next day the village sounds like a lot of bees coming to take over but it is just the people gossiping of me not saying who her father is. I start to laugh and walk away, why does the village care so much about whom Pearls father is?

Mommies Little Angel

Yea, her name is Pearl. She was born in jail and she is the only person I treasure. When I looked into her eyes I saw heaven, dark beautiful hair and eyes like her mothers, and a creamy rich complexion. I loved when she laughed and smile because it made the world a better place and also made me smile. I made her clothes to match me. They were not just the ordinary clothes a little girl or even a woman would wear. Since she was my child I made her visible to the public eye. Pearl had her own beauty. The shining and gorgeous robes hand made. She was so small when she would wear the robes they would touch the ground and circle her with on to the dark dirty floor. I made the dress with red silk cloth, ruffles around the neck and arms, and trim the whole dress in gold. The beautiful dress had caught everyone’s attention when walking though the village. It is already bad enough when your mother is wearing a "A" but when your daughter is in the same colors as the "A"  the town gets like a swarm of bees running off by the month not knowing what to say. Pearl is a very different and smart child at a young age. The child had done things a normal baby would not pick up on. Knowing her father as a smart man that is probably were she got it from.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mestry Man

Why I am still married to this man? Seeing him in the crowd he looks and point at me then puts his finger over his month. He wants to keep it a secret and I promise him I shall not speak of it but I always think of it. Everyone wants to know who the father of Pearl could be but he is a dead man to everyone but me.  Having everyone think that Pearls father is dead when he is not what I want to tell her that her father is dead but I do not want the village to tell her that he is dead when he is as lively as a roster in the morning.  Then he was acting like he has never seen me or even known me. The man that I am supposed to be married that claims he is dead and then wants to hind from the world. Why must he keep this a secret to the world? Not trying to think about the pain or hurt I feel in my heart. We my little Pearl are fatherless in the world? Or even worse we they not take me responsible for taking care of my little by myself.  I do not know what I would do without my Pearl. I would have to kill over my daughter if someone were to hurt her in any way.

The Memories of Ma and Pa

Standing on that old scaffold, I’m tired, hungry and legs weakling as I hold Pearl close to my bosom as see starts to cry. I look out and imagine my old native village in old England. The house made of gray stone standing tall and strong. Seeing my father with his bald brow and long white beard. My mother oh was she a beautiful women with a loving look in her eyes, which she was remember for having even on her bad days. When she would look at me as a child she said she always saw herself in me. Glowing with girlish beauty with the eyes of heaven. Laying on her death bed as me and pa say our last goodbye and our first hello. Saying goodbye was hard for a little girl like me. Having to start this world without ma was going to be hard to but she had told me all she needed before she left. As my imagination starts to fade, coming back to the rude people of the Puritan settlement. Looking down at the people stare and point I see....Shaking my head... nooo could it be..? I cannot say anything if I dare say something we both be in jail forever. Thinking to myself with a very blank look not knowing what to even say of think. Why must this be me and one of this our women of the village. I don’t know what to say or even look like.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The "A"

The "A" representing adultery. The crime that I committed to and served time for about six months. On the breast of my grown in red cloth, surround with an elaborate embroidery and gold trim. Done with fine fitting decoration to appeal everyone’s eye when I walk by. When I stood on the scaffold everyone just looked at me with shame in their eyes and what not to say. I was not a shamed of what I did because if I wore to be a shamed I would not have made my "A" so beautiful and unique. Many people ask why I mock the law but I just stand there and look that them like they do not know what they are talking about. Why can’t I be a woman who does things different to get attention? People of the village say that I need to be shame and try to hide the "A" because I was not a shame of what I did, so why shall I be ashamed of what I did! If I the women who has committed a crime like adultery and wear this “A” on my breast, why should I be shame and not happy. Why shall the people of the village care about the crime I committed that has nothing to do with them! Sometimes I just wish to leave but this is a place I cannot and I shall not say anything else of why I must stay in this village to live.